31 August 2010

Review of 'Scream' by Ozzy Osbourne

(Not mine. Credit due to owner. Found on Wikipedia.)
My Rank: 4.8 out of 5 = a perfect reason to buy another Ozzy CD

Okay, I confess, this is the first Ozzy CD I ever purchased, and I'm not a fan of the man either (yet)! HOWEVER, I will say that this sits right next to HIM's
Screamworks: Love in Theory and Practice on the shelf of the Best Albums I bought this year. This is all the more reason to check out even more of his music.

I first heard of Ozzy's music on one of my stations on Pandora Internet Radio, and I added him to my Metallica/Black Sabbath station. Then when I saw his newest song "Let Me Hear You Scream," I was hooked. Next thing I knew, I was at Barnes and Nobel in Washington DC, where I put down the Marilyn Manson CD I considered buying and bought this. And good Lord it was worth it. Playing the album 5 times in a row and letting my dad try it out right away showed an excitement I haven't had since I bought Linkin Park's

Despite being a heavy metal fan since December 2006, I am still a naive child in this genre. I can't honestly say that this album will please long-time Ozzy fans, because I just got into him months ago and I just bought his latest CD. But I will say that even at 61, this man still makes badass music. A heavy metal legend who is still that awesome has to leave every currently-boring modern metal band in deep mortification.

The highlights I'd like to mention are "Let It Die," probably the BEST song to start an album with BADASS guitars; "Life Won't Wait for You," a hope booster for me; "Diggin' Me Down," a heavy, booming, loud, badass song on epic proportions; "Time," a track I wan't expecting; and "Crucify." Also, the last track "I Love You All" is so anti-climatic that it's hilarious. And though I need every album to have a soft, ballad-like moment to relax, for some reason,
Scream really has none of that, but I was so awed and impressed that I didn't care at all.

Overall, I have no complaints for this album. My last words are that if I never became a HIM fan and realized that Ville is a Black Sabbath and Ozzy fanboy, I'd never give this great legend a try. Wether it's Mr. Osbourne's best or not, this left me wanting to buy another one of his albums.

For heavy metal fans, this is a must buy. If someone is too cowardly to buy an older album by Ozzy or even Black Sabbath, then pick this masterpiece up RIGHT AWAY. This is at least a first step.

If I get into Ozzy enough, I wonder if I'll pick up his autobiography...

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