Showing posts with label fun videos found. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun videos found. Show all posts

24 July 2014

Real Life "Fun": July 2014 Update

Unlike past times when I've been inactive due to laziness, I've been... upset lately. To put it simply, I made a mistake that I had to experience sometime in my life as "practice" for similar, more serious cases in the future. "Practice" is the wrong word in a way, but that's how I'm viewing this. It's a lesson I'm learning so I might not make the same mistake again, especially if I'm in another country or am stuck with people speaking another language other than my own.

It's still too soon to say whether or not this issue has been resolved. I'm still uncomfortable about it. And I'm replaying a ton of Mass Effect just to make me smile and laugh. And my friends on Skype have been supportive emotionally with advice or a long night of chatting.

Speaking of which...

A few more light-hearted reason why I've been busy. I'm getting the word out about the contest to win a free signed copy of Quantum Devil Saga on DDS-Net on Twitter so there are more submissions. And a few friends and I have hung out together as Rasen streams Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. It has it's own wiki entry. And it's on TV Tropes. Just... wow. O_o

If anyone is interested in hearing me, Fangirl aka Mel, and my lovely voice, here are links to the longer parts (if you have no life whatsoever). And some videos.

From Part 3:

From Part 7:

It's ok. I understand if this is too much insanity to take. XD

24 December 2013

Final 2013 Update: Happy Holidays!

I'm glad to be home. After the long semester, I needed a break. Now I have a whole list of video games to play and blog posts to write, I have to manage my time better. Then it dawned on me that I'm now 20. Thank god those teenage years of angst are over, though I got through it pretty smoothly despite occasional periods of self-depreciation and depression.


Whether you celebrate Christmas religiously or commercially, another "similar" holiday that my country refuses to acknowledge, or a period of rest and family, I hope you all are well. Even if this time of year is like the other days of the year, remember to find some way to rest yourself mentally. Keep yourself sane, is what I'm getting at.

Meanwhile, I've got a review to finish.

But celebrating the 'Merican tradition of a commercial holiday that ruined the celebration of Jesus Christ's birth that replaced a pagan holiday the ancient Romans celebrated for their sun god is something I've got to do. Even if I have to listen to the same ten or so songs over and over again.

We really need to make the stale Christmas music genre vanish or revitalize itself.

Or stuff like this works. :D

09 October 2012

Bacterial Contamination... and bugs O_O

I've been trying to get into J-pop and J-rock, sure, but Hatsune Miku? Eh. I haven't touched that bandwagon. But a friend shared this video on his Tumblr and told me to check it out. At the least, it's visually awesome.

Happy early Halloween. :)

25 March 2012

March 2012 Update

The school year is coming to an end and it's kinda scary. I've been so wrapped up in finishing things up, preparing for college, and finding time for myself that I barely had the time to update here! Excuses, excuses I know...

Because I haven't had many new ideas, I am still looking through my fifty or so drafts that I may post later on. I bought some new music lately that may stimulate some creativity again, but I still need to light a fire under my butt. Really, I need to stop making excuses...

Anywho, I'll be down in DC next weekend to see the gorgeous sakura trees in bloom. Hopefully there will be at least one beautiful tree to take a picture of. It's scary how quickly everything is blooming this year. My allergies are really kicking in.

While I'm down there I really want to checkout the Smithsonian museums down there. I have far too many fond memories of visiting the really cool exhibits. One I am ecstatic for is The Art of Video Games at the American Art Museum. As one who is too "hardcore" for a casual gamer and too "casual" for a hardcore gamer, I will cry if I miss out on this. (You reading this, dad?!)

And thank you to Oancitizen on That Guy with the Glasses for stimulating my interest.

21 January 2012

"WHAT?! You're not supposed to do that!!!"

Reason #99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999991 why Sonic 06 is one of the most hilariously awful games to grace the planet.

If only I had a PS3 or an Xbox, I'd buy it just to have this happen. XD

Music Mood:

("Forces" by Susumu Hirasawa... from Berserk anime)

20 December 2011

Christmas Creativity at Its Finest

It's five days before the biggest commercial holiday of the year arrives, and I am still not in the proper spirit. Maybe it's because Todd in the Shadows said it best in his most recent review: "No genre is more stagnant, more overdone, more strangling-ly oppressive [than Christmas music]." There are so many times I can hear "White Christmas," "Deck the Halls," "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year," and "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" before a good portion of my brain implodes.

And don't get me started on "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town." Once the song begins, I black out for a time and wake up to see my entire neighborhood drenched in blood. Wait... no... The neighborhood is buried in shredded wrapping paper! ... Looks like the damage is done... >.<

Yet there are cynics in the world who do understand the pain some of us face during the most manipulative time of the year.


Merry Christmas, everyone! Remember to be at least 0.00000001% less selfish and commercial this year! ^_^

And as a bonus, I'll share the love from the great pop music reviewer himself:

Owned by ToddintheShadows

23 November 2011

Laughing Until The Lungs Bleed

For the past few months I am at my all-time low as a HIM fangirl. The albums have been collecting dust, the official website is still down, and I am detoxing...

Since school started though, my blues have been eased by my friend and fellow HIM fan. Today we went on a full 35 minute spree of quoting all sorts of crazy crap from all sorts of videos of them being random. Way back in the days when I looked up videos and interviews, I only got to laugh with myself. Being able to talk about the same jokes and to share the same amount of humor in it with a friend was the best part of my day. My lungs still hurt so much... X'D

Here's only a fraction of the hilarity...

Oh, and happy belated birthday, Ville! I'm so sorry! T-T

31 October 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Once again, I am still not fully in the dark, creepy spirit of Halloween. (It doesn't help that we got over five inches of snow on Saturday...) Call me lazy, but after I tried with movies, I simply said "screw it!" and gave up. Oh well. :P

However I decided to provide some stuff slightly related to things spooky. Enjoy the trick or ignore the treat. Pick your poison. :)

And, you know what, MM? Sadie's cover blows yours out the water. Sorry! >:)

11 September 2011

"And everyone wears a mask..."

To briefly break the anime mood that my blog has indulged in lately, I just found this and wanted to post it.

It's been a looooooooong time since I last saw it, but I love MirrorMask. I find movies where artistic and surreal (severe understatement in this case) designs are the main focus tend to be a hit or an unwatchable miss - for subjective reasons - but this is a really fascinating film. This song should have been in the movie because "Wake the White Queen" by The Crüxshadows really captures the spirit of the film beautifully.

Guess that's another band to research. Haha!

15 August 2011

A Rant For Once... By Someone Else...

I'm sorry to you all, but I'm blanking out on rant and review ideas. Just so there is something being updated, here's a rant by a user named NickonAquaMagna2. Maybe later I will add my few cents in response to this. This is a long video but it was worth every second.

Enjoy or ignore: whatever works. :P

04 July 2011

Amping Up the Creepy

Are those falling things human corpses or dead, wingless higurashi cicadas? o_O

16 June 2011

Creepiness Galore...

First it was Higurashi's opening theme, now it's Paranoia Agent's. But in terms of the show itself, Paranoia Agent is far less entertaining... for now. I hope the show gets much better over time, but so far, only this opening song is impressive.

Very... psychotic... o_O

05 April 2011

Vid for Lulz

New rant is coming up shortly, don't worry.

So enjoy the wait with this. Jeremy is hilarious. Find him on Youtube and watch his videos and reviews... NOW!

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