Showing posts with label harry potter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label harry potter. Show all posts

13 April 2015

April 2015 Update: Still Not Dead, But Worried and Tired

D-Don't get me st-started... *sniffle*
Life has a wonderful way of throwing a billion priorities at you, and you're left confused in the middle of a deep valley surrounded by mountains. Yes, due to fulfilling college group requirements, attending a few daunting classes, planning for summer, analyzing my research, and prepping for possible conferences, I ignored Rants From a Fangirl for a few months. Honestly, I've been feeling more tired than usual. Before Spring Break, I was so mentally fatigued that I often slept in for twelve hours on weekends and took naps in the middle of the week, only to wake up more unhappy and frustrated with myself.

I have been feeling better lately though. Several internship opportunities I signed up for have all turned me down, but I've taken the rejection a lot easier than I had earlier this semester. I'm still at a point in my MegaTen research that I can't openly say how things are going, but I'm still working on it for school. (Just the other day, in fact, I stayed up until 2am working on it.) If I can't get anything else right, I hope my project works out well enough for my undergraduate record to look promising.

I know that this blog is supposed to not focus on my personal life, so I'll now talk about all the nerdy shit I've been up to when I should have been writing for my blog!

06 October 2012

Where the Heck Were You, Fangirl?

Long time, no update! :)

I'm currently studying for my midterm exams, but I have some time for this. :)
So... what have I been up to?

Another Piece of Art Finished

Right before I went off to college, I had my last weekend art lesson, which I had attended for nearly seven years. Typically I work on a big project and it takes many months to finish. My last piece was extremely detailed, and a bit annoying.

When I visited home, my mom had it framed and it looks amazing. I forgot my camera, and all I had were photos of it I took right after my last lesson.

Acrylic paint. I tried watercolor at first, but it ended in failure. Ever since I was a young kid, I always hated watercolor painting. Thankfully after the change, I was able to complete this. :)

Living on my Own...

I have settled in reletively fine. Even though I never had siblings, my roommate and I get along pretty well. We snark, bicker, joke around, all that fun stuff.

The puppy hates waking up, shit happens, and the bed is unmade.
A perfect morning sight! 
Our room is evenly separated so we each have our own side. Sadly, though, things can get... messy. My side is presentable enough, but sometimes its hard to enter the room sometimes, you know? She has a lot more things than I do and has a hard time finding a place to put everything. She tries to not let it get too out of control, so I don't let it bug me.

Food on the other hand... my roommate and I keep getting so much food because some people think we are starving and have no access to nutrition. And apparently some think I'm losing weight... so they give me Oreos. =_='

The only place where I can be sloppy.
Socially, I'm doing a lot better than I expected. No wonder people hate high school so much, college is so much better! I get along with a good number of the girls on my floor pretty well. I have several people to hang out with in case person A or B is in a meeting or is studying. While I've been pretty low-key with certain activities, I'm trying to stabilize everything that is manditory to my staying in the institution. Socialization always came second or third, and I keep it that way.

Nearly everyone I know loves this poster. It's got so much charm to it! 
"If you've got human chorionic gonadotropin in your system, produced by the newly forming placenta - well, by golly, you're knocked up!"

Still Obsessed with That Overrated Sci-Fi Drama?

When I went home a few weeks ago, I quickly bought the Leviathan downloadable content and immediately played it. I was tired of waiting for it and I was completely satisfied. Since then, I have been rereading the Mass Effect wiki site's articles and discussion pages. Even TvTropes is an addicting wonderland, and it has a TON of ME notes and topics to read for HOURS.
These daily activities have made my PS3 withdrawal more unbearable.

Meanwhile, Mass Effect 2's soundtrack has been purchased from iTunes to my library recently, and I had ME3's free with the collector's edition of the game. Now, I'm thinking of buying an N7 sweatshirt from BioWare's website. Better get to it.
me wantz badly... $_@
You know how girls are obsessive with things like shoes or make-up and want a massive collection? That's me with scarves and sweatshirts (I have a HIM sweatshirt that's near the end of its life and a scarf.) You can never run out and they keep you warm. ^_^

Also... I am so psyched for the Mass Effect Trilogy. I can play ME1 on my PS3!! No need to tweak my computer!! XD

Pandora Has Yet Another Box

I made a separate Pandora account not too long ago, so I can experiment with different stations. You can only have about 100 stations, and my old account has somewhere between 50 and 60. As away for me to start from scratch, I've been trying out fun., a-ha, and a 90's pop station. Though "Some Nights" is an awesome song, fun. is just a "meh" band. Maybe it's because they have some association with Paramore, a band I happen to despise.

After being stuck with a bunch of different people for nearly two months, I'm starting to go back to things I enjoyed as a kid. Heck, we all pretty much feel like kids. My roommate was sick the other day and watched shows on the Disney Channel and The Lizzy McGuire Movie. Some of us bought stuffed animals, hoola-hoops, even *NYNSC CDs. Heck, I found a few people who actually liked Hillary Duff when they were younger! (This one admits to still liking her music... >.<)

There's one thing I have learned while here, this world is a lot smaller than I thought. o_O

Now, though, I have to go back to studying for my midterm exams. It's not fun. :/
But I am still alive, guys. I'm still alive... :)

15 July 2011

It's All Over

Fangirl is predictable when it comes to this. This has saddened me so much that "The Funeral of Hearts" would tempt me into performing seppuku rather than cry in a celebratory manner.

The Harry Potter films... have been completed. Dear god... the end of an era.

While watching the midnight premier last night without my friends (T-T), I cried at least four times within three hours. It will be very hard to get over the series I followed loyally since the autumn of 2001. I'm sure almost every fan on the planet who is as sad as I are complaining on the internet or any other communicative media, but still... This is the first time I felt a huge part of me has died in the a very bittersweet way. As much as I'm dying to get a time machine and go through the experience of waiting for these films all over again, I'm still happy that Harry Potter ended and left me entertained until the end.

But now I need something else to heavily and emotionally invest in...

I won't review this movie yet, since I might watch it again so I can observe it more objectively. Sorry for the silence for the past few days; I just finished a four page essay for class. Looks like I'm gonna have to get more than three hours of sleep tonight! XD

20 November 2010

Fangirl and the Death of Her Childhood...

...just kidding...
(CREDITS: to the owner. not mine, obviously.)
My Rank: 4.75 out of 5 <- THE FILM SERIES HAS BEEN REDEEMED!!!!!!!

If any Harry Potter fans have read my last entry and want to shoot me, please do not because I have not added my two cents about the first part of this film! It will be a long eight or so months before we finally weep until we die of dehydration. I want to be a part of that group thank you! Anyway, this is it.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part One.

Part One of the End of My Childhood is more like it...

After seeing it twice already - *dodges thrown objects* - with my friends at midnight and my dad earlier today, I think I can easily make a more sturdy opinion since now the excitement has worn down. For the most part, this film left me wonderfully satisfied. The Harry Potter I grew up with remained intact with no disappointment. The casting is, and has always been, superb; actors were phenomenally top-notch; and the world was perfectly real... except the train.

The film has some flaws due to some altered scenes (though fairly minor) and just by the obvious fact that no one can fully recreate the world from the books to a film adaptation. Even Lord of the Rings couldn't do it. Nothing bothered me except the Hogwarts Express. I understand that the Death Eater stood in from of it to slow it down, but the train appeared to be moving at five miles per hour. It's not a huge concern and maybe it's just me, but whatever.

From my perspective, even from the first viewing, the movie went at a faster pace than the previous films. This lasted two-and-a-half hours and nothing slowed down to the point of boredom for me. Though that might be because I'm such a huge fan anyway. But for some odd reason, despite that the camping time took at least 60% of the movie, everything was put together well enough for the pacing to be just right.

What I find ironic is that David Yates, who directed this amazing adaptation, is the same guy who screwed up the last two Harry Potter movies. From my friends and others, people had more problems with The Order of the Phoenix because so much plot was removed and re-editted from the 750-800+ paged book. But honestly, The Half-Blood Prince was far worse due to the complete emphasis of the romances between the characters and the lack of attention to the plot. Thankfully, I won't kill David Yates - yet - after making DHP1 so accurate to the parts taken from the novel.

Obviously the film is very dark, serious, and dreary, but comic relief is not a stranger. Everyone at the midnight showing roared with laughter; the audience today laughed as well. Even my dad, who never read the books but seen every film to date, laughed quite a bit. Best of all, he never fell asleep (the years in the military did that to him.)

Best parts? The Seven Harrys; George "snooping in;" the Ministry of Magic; and Dobby (that all by itself is making me laugh right now). I won't spoil everything else. XD

At this point, you're either a Harry Potter fan or not. Or at least, you like the story from the films or books or not. So honestly, WATCH IT. Any person who happens to read this and never gave the series a try and want to... read the books, or catch up on the other films. Just as a warning, you have to wait until July 2011 for the final part. I'm very annoyed by this, but on the other hand, I have eight months to enjoy my childhood while it still lasts.

It seems it was only yesterday when I went to see Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in November of 2001. Nine years later, I just watched half of the seventh and final film. Excuse me as I run to my battered and old Harry Potter books and cry...

19 November 2010

Update: The End of My Childhood

2010 has been a really bad year for me when it comes to entertainment in general. Lady GaGa is still big for no reason, Justina Beaver has his own stupid book and documentary, great heavy metal legend Ronnie James Dio died, and the summer movies. Yes, that last part is self-descriptive. Other than Inception and Toy Story 3, both of which I did see, the season brought horrifically bland films. Since there less than a month and a half left, it makes me wonder what will the future bring? Only one thing for me is absolute: July 15, 2011, also known as the final blow made on my childhood.

As a fan for almost ten years, I am depressed that the end is so near. Just the thought of the film adaptation of my favorite series ending makes the hair on my head begin to grey.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

I saw the midnight showing of Part One with three friends, and it was fantastic. Though there is time to do so now, I have decided to wait until tomorrow to make my review of this film. My dad really wanted to see it, and I'd love to laugh and cry through it again. It was that good.

Plus if I remain in the Harry Potter fangirl mode for a while, I might do another loooooooong rant. Bet y'all love those, eh? :P

In the meantime have a great weekend. And if you go to the movies, stay alive! It's not Black Friday yet! :)
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